+ 32 476 92 65 56
+ 32 477 59 73 92


Along with a clear strategy and an effective organisation model, culture is an essential component of your organisations effectiveness. Culture is the way people behave alone or in a group. Great organisational cultures lead to high effectiveness, high engagement, and great customer experiences.


If you have the following challenges, we can help!

> Define, energise and align leadership with your organisations purpose, mission & vision and business strategy

> Understand how to become more innovative, collaborative and agile to execute your strategy

> Understand current cultural dynamics and develop the best approach to evolve your organisational culture and workplace behaviours

> Understand the mood, challenges and sources of engagement of your employees and shape your culture accordingly to create an impactful employee experience

> Create an inspiring organisation narrative that touches the hearts of employees and inspires everyone to participate in evolving the way you work.

> Define what great leadership means in your context, clarify expectations for your leaders and support them to explore and embrace new ways of leading

> Create highly engaged and high performing teams to unleash the potential of the collective
> Create and energise a network of internal activators who are your key influencers to accelerate change with a viral approach

> Activate the right HR strategy, HR processes & organisational levers to support your business and cultural ambition

What we do

The right culture for your organisation is the one that :

  • draws its essence from your unique purpose,
  • is aligned with your strategy,
  • is inspired by your values,
  • is translated for your customers by your differentiated brand
  • and shapes a unique employee experience

We help you through the whole journey in bringing your culture ambition to life.

Because culture change involves people; because culture change is complex; because culture change is adaptive… we design the transformation journey to be flexible, iterative, and structured so that it feels intuitive, informal, and impactful.

The heart of cultural change: people

That’s why culture change starts with taking and keeping the pulse of your organisation.

To evolve your culture ambition must be expressed, modelled, and anchored.

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Why us ?

We are experts in organisational culture. We bring strong methodologies based on the vast experience we
have gained across a range of sectors with clients of different sizes and levels of maturity.

> We bring highly tailored consulting, in strong partnership with your teams throughout the project.

You can also contact us for specific ad-hoc advisory or mentoring.

> We act as trainers, facilitators and coaches at individual, team or collective level.

> We also developed specific tools to measure, structure and accelerate your transformation journey

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  • Proven methodologies and frameworks
  • Highly tailored end-to-end consulting
  • Ad hoc advisory and mentoring
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Training, Facilitation &


  • On-site or virtual
  • Highly interactive
  • Trainings:
    > Introduction to culture change (0,5d / in-house)
    > Creating a bottom-up change movement: stimulating and activating new behaviours through viral change (0,5d)
    > Culture Bootcamp: reveal the DNA of your organisation and define your own culture transformation roadmap (2 d / blended cohort) – link for more info: The Culture Bootcamp
  • Coaching:
    > Executive coaching
    > Team development & coaching
    > Leadership development group coaching & intervisions
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  • Culture journey assessment: assess where you are in your journey and identify levers of actions
  • Target values identification tool: involve your employees in identifying the organisational values that will make the difference for the future
  • Custom pulse & engagement surveys tailored to your culture and needs
  • Other certified tools we use in our interventions: Process Communication Model, Management Research Group, Lego Serious Play, …
Contact us for an exploratory discussion, we’re always interested to connect and share idea’s !